BATHROOM REMODELING: Tile showers, tubs, glass, flooring, vanities & more
Free design consultation
Experienced, skilled craftsmen
On-time, organized, clean
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Free design consultation
Experienced, skilled craftsmen
On-time, organized, clean
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
By improving and beautifying your home, your life changes for the better instantly. Your bathroom is the place where you prepare to face each day, so it should be a beautiful, safe and clean space. We make that possible.
That's our mission: We improve the lives of our customers by transforming their bathrooms into beautiful, safe, and clean spaces. We make this all possible by making it affordable.
We also believe in giving back to the communities we serve. A portion of every sale goes toward helping Habitat for Humanity and The Red Cross fulfill their mission in our areas.
We have a fast turn around time on estimates and remodels.
We keep our appointments. We do onsite, same visit estimates for most bathrooms.
The same dedicated crew stays on the job from start to finish, working consecutive days until the job is done.
Most jobs take just a few days. We take enough time to do the job right, the first time.
After the job is done, we thoroughly clean up after ourselves.
As a result our customers have a great experience with us and get an affordable, safe, easy to clean, and beautiful new bathroom!
My name is T.L. Scott, I own and manage Tommy Bath. I’ve been remodeling bathrooms for over 18 years in Greater Tampa Bay. We have a Certified Residential Contractor license (CRC1334756). We are bonded and insured too. Our license allows us to build houses. Yet, our sole focus is beautifying bathrooms. That's what we enjoy doing.
I hand-pick my craftsmen from among those I trust to treat my customers well. My people are highly skilled professionals; they stay on task and on schedule. We get the job done right the first time.
We also inspect the job thoroughly after it‘s done to make doubly sure everything is in order and you are very pleased.
Our license certifies us to work in single-family, duplex, and triplex homes with up to two habitable stories. We work in manufactured homes too.
$500 OFF REMODEL, ask for details. Get your free design consultation today!
Expires: March 31, 2025
Yes, please let us know if you have served in the military or have served as a first responder, ask for details.
Yes, please let us know if you have been an educator, ask for details.
Yes, we have financing options from low interest to no interest, ask for details.
We design bathrooms, expertly manage the project, use only the finest materials, and make the design come alive with our hand-picked craftsmen. This ensures that our bathroom remodels will be beautiful, safe, easy to clean and tailor made to meet our customers‘ wishes.
Get your free design consultation below and let us transform your bathroom into something beautiful!
Phone: 813-437-2863 Email: Mail: 4830 W Kennedy Blvd Suite 600 Tampa, FL 33609
Personal info we may collect like your name, address, email, or phone numbers are for our internal use only.
We use this info to contact you about your inquiries, estimates, remodels, appointments and our promotions.
By giving us this information you agree that we may contact you by phone, email and SMS / iMessage text. (Standard messaging / cellular rates apply.)
We store your info securely. We do not share your info with affiliates.
We will never share, trade, or otherwise sell your personal information such as phone numbers, emails and SMS / iMessage consent to third parties under any circumstances.